2. Elementary Programming

Lecture 2.

Elementary Programming

92 minutes video lecture, 20 minutes coding practice time.


Video Lectures

Review Questions

1: input() statement reads in a value from the user as numeric. (T/F)?


2: What does the following program print?

radius = 7.5
print ("radius")
Click here to see the answer.


3: What does the following program print?

radius = 7.5
print (radius)
Click here to see the answer.


4: Which of the following are valid identifiers?

  • a
  • +app
  • 3number
  • radiusOfTheCircle
  • $2
  • d+7
  • True
Click here to see the answer.

a, radiusOfTheCircle

5: What is the value stored in count?

count = 7 / 3
Click here to see the answer.


6: What is the value stored in test?

test = 7 % 3
Click here to see the answer.


7: What is the value stored in count?

count = 7 // 3
Click here to see the answer.


8: What is the value stored in test?

test = 7.5 // 3
Click here to see the answer.


9: What is the value stored in x?

x = 5
x /= 2
Click here to see the answer.


10: What is the value stored in test?

test = 5
test += test + 1
Click here to see the answer.


11: What is the value stored in x?

x = 5
x //= 2
Click here to see the answer.


In-class Programming Exercises

1: Write a program that reads in an input as the radius of a circle from the user, and calculates and prints the area of a circle.

# In-class Exercise 1

# Step 1: Read in radius from the user
radius = input("Please input the radius of a circle and press Enter: ")
radius = float(radius)

# Step 2: Compute area
area = radius * radius * 3.14159

# Step 3: Display the area
print("The area of a circle with the radius", radius, "is", area)

2: Write a program that reads in a Celsius degree from the user, converts Celsius to Fahrenheit degree, and displays the result.

# In-class Exercise 2

# Step 1: Read in Celsius degree from the user
celsius = input("Please input the Celsius degree and press Enter: ")
celsius = float(celsius)

# Step 2: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit degree
fahrenheit = (9/5) * celsius + 32

# Step 3: Display the result
print("Celsius degree of", celsius, "is equal to", fahrenheit, "Fahrenheit degree")

3: Write a program that reads three numbers from the user and displays their average.

# In-class Exercise 3

# Step 1: Read in the three numbers from the user
number1 = float(input("Please input the first number and press Enter:"))
number2 = float(input("Please input the second number and press Enter:"))
number3 = float(input("Please input the third number and press Enter:"))

# Step 2: Calculate their average
average = (number1 + number2 + number3) / 3

# Step 3: Display the result
print("The average of the three numbers is", average)

4: Write a program to obtain minutes and remaining seconds from an amount of time in seconds. Example : Convert 200 seconds to 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

# In-class exercise 4

# Step 1: Read in the time in seconds from the user
timeInSeconds = float(input ("Please input the time (in seconds) and press Enter:"))

# Step 2: Convert the time to minutes and seconds
minutes = int ( timeInSeconds // 60)
seconds = timeInSeconds % 60

# Step 3: Display the result
print(timeInSeconds , "seconds equals to", minutes, "minutes and", seconds, "seconds")

Practice-at-home Programming Exercises

1: Write a program that reads a two digit integer from the user and swap its digits to create a new integer. Example: if the integer is 93, after swapping it becomes 39.

# Practice exercise 1

# Step 1: Read in the two-digit number from the user
twoDigitNumber = int (input ("Please input a two-digit number and press Enter:"))

# Step 2: Swap its digits and create a new integer
firstNumberTemporary = twoDigitNumber // 10
secondNumberTemporary = twoDigitNumber % 10
numberAfterSwap = secondNumberTemporary * 10 + firstNumberTemporary

# Step 3: Display the result
print("After the swap, the new number is", numberAfterSwap)

2: Write a program that reads numbers for radius and length from the user, and displays the volume of a cylinder on console. The formulas for area and volume are as follows: area = radius * radius * pi; volume = area * length.

# Practice Exercise 2

# Step 1: Read in radius and length from the user
radius = float(input("Please input the radius of a cylinder and press Enter: "))
length = float(input("Please input the length of a cylinder and press Enter: "))

# Step 2: Compute volume
area = radius * radius * 3.14159
volume = area * length

# Step 3: Display the area
print("The volume of a cylinder with the radius", radius, ", and length", length, "is", volume)

3: Write a program that reads the values of x and y from the user, and display the result after the following calculation.

$$ y^{x-7} + \frac{x+y}{4} - \frac{2(x-y) + 3}{5} + \frac{y}{3x - 10} $$

Click to see the answer.

# Practice Exercise 3

# Step 1: Read in x and y
x = float(input("Please input x and press Enter: "))
y = float(input("Please input y and press Enter: "))

# Step 2: Compute the answer
result = pow(y, x-7) + (x+y)/4 - (2*(x-y)+3)/5 + y/(3*x-10)

# Step 3: Display the result
print("The result is", result)

Solutions to Programming Exercises

